TiVo, Here I Come!

I work with the best people! All year long, my team bust their collective butts and make me look good. Then after putting up with all the corporate crap, mostly from upper management (and some from me), they go out and get me an awesome holiday gift. TiVo. Even the name is cool. It's a noun. It's a verb. It's......waiting for me to set it up. I'm confident, though, that this won't be a repeat of the infamous WiFi Incidence of 2003. That drama was epic. It had everything - a valiant quest for knowledge, plot-twists, unlikely heroes, villians (Comcast). By the end, I laughed, I cried, I called customer service.

Now the promise of customized programming in the palm of my hand awaits temptingly in its box. Just think, all that digital entertainment yielding itself to my very whim. It can almost make a grown man cry. Throw in the ability to skip over commercials, and the only question that comes to mind is why Mr. TiVo hasn't won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Ironically, I'm not a huge TV watcher. Sure, I have a few shows that I'll follow, but overall I'm a catch-it-if-I-can kinda guy. Problem now is that with TiVo, I can. I'm beginning to think there was an alterior motive behind this gift. Perhaps a ploy to keep the boss occupied. Hhmmm. I'll have to look into that. But first, I gotta lot of shows to catch up on.


Anonymous said...

we are so happy we were able to give you a gift you truly love!!! Enjoy:)

Anonymous said...

Why are you not writing a column for theNY Times,Post or even the Sun???